Auto Merge Pull Requests on Github Except the Master Branch
Problem: You want to merge all pull requests from developers who don’t have push access (they can’t merge the PR themselves).
Stipulation: We probably shouldn’t do this on the master branch. Or staging for that matter.
Solution: Use the github api (v3)
1 - with a post-hook
2 - with a cron job
This script is solution 2. Its not as efficient (there is a time delay instead of it being instant), but I’m in an odd situation where I can’t publicly expose a page that would receive the post-hook. But using this same idea with a post-hook wouldn’t be too hard.
The python (2.7) script
I put this in /root/ so that non-sudo users can’t see the OAUTH_KEY, but you can place it anywhere.
The way its configured, it won’t merge INTO master, staging, release, or development. Although it could go from development into my-feature-1 or any other branch.
Make sure you change the two spots where it has :owner to your username
(Disclaimer: I’m still a Python newbie, so there could be bad practices in here.)
#!/usr/bin/env pythonimportjsonimportrequestsimportdatetimeOAUTH_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxx"repos=['my_app']# Add all repo's you want to automerged hereignore_branches=['master','release','staging','development']# Add 'master' here if you don't want to automerge into master# Print merge/no-merge message to logfiledefprint_message(merging):ifmerging==True:message="Merging: "else:message="Not merging: "printmessage+str(pr_id)+" - "+user+" wants to merge "+head_ref+" into "+base_ref# Merge the actual pull requestdefmerge_pr():r=requests.put(""%(repo,pr_id,),data=json.dumps({"commit_message":"Auto_Merge"}),auth=('token',OAUTH_KEY))if"merged"inr.json()andr.json()["merged"]==True:print"Merged: "+r.json()['sha']else:print"Failed: "+r.json()['message']#''%repo,auth=('token',OAUTH_KEY))data=r.json()foriindata:head_ref=i["head"]["ref"]base_ref=i["base"]["ref"]user=i["user"]["login"]pr_id=i["number"]ifbase_refinignore_branches:print_message(False)else:print_message(True)merge_pr()